Missed the Extended Tax Deadline?
I hope you have managed to stay safe and well! We focus on resolving tax issues in Prince William County and throughout the lower Northern Virginia area.
Did you by chance miss the tax deadline for 1040 Individual Tax Returns, or perhaps you weren’t sure about if the tax deadline pertained to your business. Well, there’s not a moment to waste in getting yourself and/or your business into IRS compliance (Most Current six(6) years of tax returns filed), and having that peace of mind that although the federal income tax deadline for the tax year of 2019 (July 15, 2020) has come and gone, you won’t be one of the 7 million non-filing taxpayers that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had set its sights on to target in 2020 at the beginning of the year.
In fact, an IRS Representative stated prior to the pandemic that they could go to any computer and print out the list of names of all of the 7 million taxpayers that have not filed a tax return for 2018 and prior years. Also, prior to the pandemic, some IRS representatives had “dubbed” the 2020 calendar year, as the year of enforcement.
If you feel as though you may be one of the taxpayers on this “hit list” We can help you get in to tax compliance, and keep the IRS at bay. Perhaps you are one of the taxpayers who is owed a tax refund from the Billions of dollars of tax refunds that go unclaimed every year. You only have three(3) years from the original due date of the tax return to claim this refund. No matter what, after the three(3) years, “Poof” your refund is gone forever.
For a while it seemed as though the tax deadline would never arrive. But now that it’s come and gone, don’t put off filing your returns for another year. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. https://brtaxaccountant.com/